Congratulations to Dan Rex of Audubon, Penn., drawn as winner of the Krieghoff Vintage Scroll K-80 shotgun worth more than $20,000. The drawing was held last Saturday night during the National Championships.
Raffle tickets for the gun drawing were sold for $50 each to raise money for the SSSF Scholarship Fund. SCTP and SPP teams also had the opportunity to sell the tickets to earn endowment funds.
Brenda Potterfield, far left, and Larry Potterfield, far right, accepted gifts including school letter sweaters from the Marian High School and Creighton Prep Trap Team from Omaha, Neb. Larry and Brenda Potterfield, founders and owners of MidwayUSA and founders of the MidwayUSA Foundation, spent last Thursday at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex with SCTP and SPP shooters, touring the National Championship event and even taking time to shoot a round of trap with three lucky SCTP competitors. Anticipating the visit, many teams brought along autographed photos, cards, and other gifts — including a pair of letter sweaters — to express their appreciation for the Potterfields’ generosity to SSSF programs.
L-R, Brenda Potterfield, Kalee Lancour of Burlington High School Demons (WI), and Chase Rich of Jefferson County 4-H Patriot Shooters (TN). Kalee and Chase,along with Zachary Wells of the Ft. Lee Dusters (VA), had the privilege of shooting a round of trap with the Potterfields.The Potterfields watched teams shoot, talked with shooters and coaches, posed for photos, and demonstrated the warmth and interest in young shooters for which they are known.
SSSF also had a presentation to Larry and Brenda, a pair of hand-engraved leather shooting bags, in recognition of their being named “Founding Life Diamond Members” of the Champion’s Roundtable, which recognizes donors who have made major contributions to our mission. They are also Charter Members of the SSSF Legacy Society, which honors our donors who have included SSSF in their estate plans through deferred gifts.
Coaches and athletes may think there’s nothing to do at Nationals other than shoot your match for the day or watch others shoot. Au contraire! There’s plenty to keep you busy and entertained — and shooting — all week. Here are just a few things to consider:
Rifle Side Match – This year we will offer a special Rifle Side Match, sponsored by Ruger and hosted by Pheasants Forever. Not only can you have fun shooting .22 rifles, you may even win one! The match winner will take home a Ruger 10/22 rifle, and there will be drawings to give away three more.
Special Pistol Shooting Clinic – PARA USA Professional Shooter, Travis Tomasie, will be hosting two clinics on Wednesday, July 16 at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on the pistol berm. You don’t want to miss this!
SCTP Shooters: Try SPP – Give SPP competition a try. There will be loaner guns available and likely some open time slots. Check with registration at the pistol berm for openings.
Winchester Coaches’ Shoot-out – Coaches and adult volunteers can shoot daily, Monday through Friday, in the skeet-trap Make-a-Break. See the event program for details.
Shotgunning Demonstration by Dave Miller – CZ-USA’s Dave Miller will do fun shotgunning demonstrations on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 2:00 p.m.
And More! – Check the event program for more information on side games, demonstrations, evening events, and other activities. There’s something to do every minute!
It’s official: the 2014 National Team Championships at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in Sparta, IL, will be the largest one in our history! With five days remaining in the registration period, we have blasted through 2013 registration numbers, which were also record-setting.
More than 2200 athletes, representing more than 170 teams, at least 26 states, and over 3800 event registrations, have signed up. In SCTP alone, the registrations account for 688,500 targets to be shot! For the Scholastic Pistol Program, its second National Championship will experience a 50% increase over last year.
If you haven’t registered, there is still time. Check out our National Championships page to find registration information, schedules, and most everything else you need to know.
Click to view event programIf you want to know anything about the upcoming National Team Championships, chances are, it’s in the event program. So we’ve now posted the National Championships program for you to use as you’re planning your SCTP or SPP team’s trip to Sparta.
The program is presented in a handy flipbook format so you can click right through, beginning to end, without downloading — unless you want to. You can also click on any ad to go straight to the sponsor’s website.
With more than two weeks to go in registration for the upcoming National Team Championships in Sparta, SCTP and SPP have already blasted through 2013’s record-setting participation numbers and are expecting even more registrations in the final weeks.
About 150 teams have signed up so far, accounting for almost 3000 total registrations. Increases are already seen in skeet, sporting clays, and pistol shooting. With participation in a state championship as one of the requirements for SCTP Nationals registration, and several state championships being held this week and next, a flurry of new registrations is expected in the coming two weeks.
SSSF will award up to $557,000 in endowment funds to competing teams at the National Team Championships, representing $450,000 to SCTP teams and $107,000 to SPP teams. In addition, SCTP has allocated another $156,000 for SCTP’s National Championships for international events July 25-29 in Colorado Springs, CO. Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation will donate the endowment funds to team accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc.
Coaches, athletes, and parents can learn more details about Nationals plans, including registration info, event schedules, FAQs, and more on our National Championships page.
SCTP will award $450,000 in team endowments at this event, based on position of teams’ finish. A complete breakdown of endowment awards will be posted in the main building.
How long do I have to pay from the time I register my squads?
You have 10 days to pay. After that, your reserved times will be released and available to others.
When are the award ceremonies?
Thursday, July 17 (Skeet, Sporting Clays, Handicap Trap, Trap Doubles) and Saturday, July 19 (Trap and Skeet Doubles)
When does Nationals registration close?
Online registration closes July 11, 2014. After that time, contact Amanda Wondrash,, 262-939-6664, to inquire about registration.
Does a coach have to be with his/her team at all times?
A registered coach must be with any team or athlete who is competing. When athletes are on the premises, playing side events, watching competition, etc., but not competing, the coach does not have to accompany them.
If I bump up an athlete in classification for Nationals, can she be in that class next year, or does she have to advance to the next class?
She will shoot in the division she would have normally been in if she had not been bumped up.