
Membership Renewals and Registration

Membership Renewals and Registration

New Teams

Get Started

New Season Starts Sept. 1 each year

September 1st marks the beginning of a new season with the Scholastic Clay Target and Scholastic Action Shooting Programs. Membership renewals for coaches and athletes are required to retain member benefits including liability insurance, use of the SSSF SHOT system and eligibility to participate in all of the great SCTP and SASP events at the local, state, regional and national levels.

In addition, membership is required to take full advantage of all of the SCTP/SASP deals and promotions and fundraisers as well as camp opportunities, scholarships and the All Scholastic Team.


If starting a new team, the head coach and/or team administrator should initiate these steps. In most cases the head coach/team administrator will also coordinate registration for all members of their local team. New teams are encouraged to reference our guides on how to register a new coach or athlete.

Membership Renewals + Reg.

Requirements for team and volunteer registration are as follows:

  1. Login to the SHOT System to create your new team and register your first coach.
  2. Create (new teams) or update (returning teams) your information on the SHOT System
  3. Additional coaches / volunteers must be added through an invitation process in the SHOT System. Please see our guide on how to add a new coach or volunteer to your team.
  4. Pay your $35 registration fee for each volunteer. Fees can be paid online through the SHOT system individually or in bulk.
  5. Pay your $20 team fee. Teams will find the fee on their team fees page in the new system and will pay the fee with their initial coach and/or athlete fees payment. This fee will be sent in its entirety to your team account at the MidwayUSA Foundation where it will be matched according to the current MidwayUSA Foundation Matching Program.
  6. Ensure your background check is current (a new check is required every two years) by logging into the SHOT system to verify the last date approved.

Requirements for athlete registration are as follows:

  1. Complete and return a SCTP athlete consent/waiver form for each athlete. 
  2. Complete and retain the SCTP Sportsmanship Contract form for each athlete.
  3. Complete and retain the SCTP Medical Consent form for each athlete.
  4. Update the athlete information pages in the SHOT system. Ensure all contact information is correct and update the School Class and Classification information for each athlete.
  5. Pay the $25 athlete registration fee for each athlete. Fees can be paid online through the SHOT system individually or in bulk.

Thank you for your participation in the SCTP! If you have any questions on the registration process please contact your state advisor, regional program representative or national program staff member.

Be safe, have fun and enjoy another great season!

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