
Hunt Giant Whitetails in Iowa – Nonresident Tag Auction

Iowa is considered by many to be one of the premier white-tailed deer hunting destinations in the United States. Dreams come true in the Hawkeye State every year as hunters consistently harvest mature, corn fed bucks that reach well over 200″. Getting a tag, however, is easier said than done. Now you can guarantee your tag and promote state and local conservation efforts through the Iowa Scholastic Clay Target Program Non-Resident Deer Tag Auction, in partnership with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).

This auction is for One Iowa Special Non-Resident Deer Tag, good Statewide for Archery, Gun season one, Gun season two, or the Late Muzzleloader season during either 2021 or 2022 Iowa deer season (hunter’s choice). The deer tag includes 1 ‘any sex’ deer and 1 ‘antlerless’ deer. For seasons and hunting information, go to: http://www.iowadnr.gov/

This Iowa tag is currently open for pre-registration and preview. The auction will begin on July 31st at 12:00PM CST and ends on Friday, August 13 at 12:00PM CST.

The winner of the auction receives a tag that includes 1 any-sex deer and 1 antlerless deer. This non-resident deer tag is good statewide; however, Landowner Permission is required before hunting on private land. The winner of the auction is required to purchase an Iowa nonresident hunting license and pay the non-resident habitat fee.

The tag may be used either in the coming 2021-2022 season, or next year in the 2022-2023 season. The hunter must declare which year and one of the following standard seasons at the close of the auction and no later than September 25th, 2021.

2021-2022 season dates can be found at https://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting/Deer-Hunting. 2022-2023 dates have not been confirmed at this time but will be similar to 2021-2022 dates.

Visit With College Teams at The 2021 College Day at Nationals

We encourage all of our high school-aged athletes at Nationals to take advantage of College Day! Stop by and talk with college coaches and team members Friday, July 16th from 9am-4pm at this year’s National Championships! College teams, as well as College Shooting Sports Recruiting, will be located between Vendor Buildings 2-3.

The following colleges have committed to attending College day and look forward to seeing you there!

Grace College – IN

Montreat College – NC

Bethel University – TN

Lindenwood University – MO

Hillsdale College – MI

University of Alabama – AL

Ft Hayes University – KS

Jacksonville University – FL

Waldorf University – IA

Clemson University – SC

Stetson University – FL

Upper Iowa University – IA

Schreiner University – TX

Iowa Central Community College – IA

2021 SCTP Scholarship Announcement

The SCTP National Staff is thrilled to announce 170 new recipients of the SCTP Scholarship! These graduating seniors will be awarded $500 each for their pursuits of attending college. Working hard behind the scenes, the National Staff was able to secure an increased amount of funding so that every eligible athlete that had paperwork properly filled out received the SCTP Scholarship.

This year’s scholarship recipients will be emailed further instructions on how to claim their scholarships after the SCTP National Championships.It is our pleasure to name the following graduating seniors as recipients of a 2020/2021 SCTP Scholarship. Thank you for being a part of the SCTP and we all wish you the best in your future!

2021 SCTP National Championship Update – 6/25/2021

14 Days to the start of SCTP Nationals!
Here are the latest updates to the Record-Breaking 2021 SCTP National Championships being held at the Cardinal Center in Marengo Ohio, July 8-17!
As always, if you need help, please reach out to any of the SCTP National Staff for assistance! 
International Disciplines – due to the availability of international ammo, we will be allowing either 24 gr. OR 7/8 oz loads. Intl ammo will be available from the Cardinal Center Sporting Clays building or at the registration counter in the Central Events building. Federal 7/8oz loads will be available through Sportsmans Den! Ammunition will be randomly checked during this competition, 1oz or 1 1/8 z loads will not be allowed!We could still use some help refereeing for the SCTP Intl. Nationals, anybody wanting to and able to help referee for the Intl. disciplines this year, please contact Terri Dewitt as soon as possible! bluerockcoaching@icloud.com
*Remember! The awards ceremonies for Skeet, Sporting Clays, Handicap Trap, Trap Doubles and Super Sporting will be held Friday evening in front of the Grandstands following last shots for Singles Trap or approximately 6pm! All Intl awards for I-Skeet and Bunker Trap will be held between Bunker Traps 2-3 on Sunday following the Bunker Trap finals and any shoot offs! And Singles Trap, Skeet Doubles and all HOA awards will take place in front of the Grandstands Saturday, July 17 after all shoot offs. For those individuals and teams not wanting to be around a large crowd, you may pick up awards at the Trophy room either Friday from 9am – 12:00 noon OR Saturday from 9am – 11am. 

COLLEGE TEAMS – If you have not emailed Tom Wondrash to let him know you are attending College Day, please do so asap! Tables will be set up with 2 chairs in 1 of 2 tents located between vendor buildings 2 and 3. Teams attending the previous SCTP National College Championships will get preferred table placement.

ALL COACHES – you must stop in and register your team prior to taking any shots in the tournament! This is done at the Central Events Building located right next to the golf cart rentals. Please double check placement & Division of all your athletes!! When squading for Handicap Trap, squads will shoot at the furthest squaded athlete level. PLEASE make sure your squad is handled properly. If a squad has 4 rookies and 1 college shooter, ALL athletes will shoot at the 25 yard line! (the distance for College aged athletes shooting handicap)

Kolar Raffle ticket stubs and money were due June 21st. if you still have these, they must be turned in immediately! Please thank Kolar guns and Elite Shotguns for this fabulous donation to help teams and families offset the cost of attending SCTP Nationals this year! This drawing will be held Saturday, July 17th in front of the Grandstands just before the awards ceremony!

Teams still looking for squad slots can contact either Amanda Wondrash or April Carr. There are still many opportunities for teams to attend! If anybody needs help finding a slot time, please let us know!

A few Team Dinner opportunities are still available! The Wild Rose Grill crew will be offering a healthier choice in food this year. They will be located behind the Grandstands in a big tent and will offer a Southwest Chicken Sandwich, Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, fresh smoked pulled pork sandwich and more! They also do team catering at your campsites! If you are interested in having the Wild Rose cater your teams super any night, please contact Todd Veeser at 1-715-616-1197. They can offer some sides like cornbread, green beans, potato salad and more as well as stir fry, burgers and other menu options but will have a limited time they can do this, so don’t wait too long!
Get some of that great Hunter’s Blend Coffee in that same tent behind the Grandstands!

LAST COMPETITOR STANDING – Will take place in front of the Grandstands immediately following the opening ceremonies on Wednesday, July 14th. Approximate time is 7pm. Athletes must buy wrist bands for $5 each in the Registration building prior to this event. We could use some help in refereeing this event, coaches or parents can contact either Chet Tuinstra or Jeff Morrison if you are available!

PIZZA PARTY! – Thursday, July 15th at about 5:30pm will be Free Pizza night! The Pizza and soda giveaway is being sponsored by the folks at Rhino Chokes and BOSS LLC.! They will be there handing out pizza and drinks to all teams and families, please stop by their tents and booths and thank them for their generosity in doing this!! Stop and see what over 600 pizzas look like! 

YOUTH RAFFLES – like last year, all youth raffles will be pre-drawn. Raffle tickets will not be used again this year but names/numbers will be compiled through a random number generator. Coaches, please check the list of names when you are registering your team. This will cut down on the traffic in the Central Events Registration building! 

Ammunition! Sportsman’s Den has put together an ammo pre-order form! Coaches, please check your emails for this duplicate Nationals update that includes the pre-order form. Contact Jake (jake@sportsmansden.com ) at Sportsmans Den with any questions you may have!

Also, anybody wanting to shoot side events like the flurry, ammo will be available for sale to be shot at that side game!

Squading and registration for the Kids & Clays / SCTP Charity shoot is open! That will take place on Wednesday/Thursday, July 14/15 for Five-stand or Friday/Saturday, July 16/17 on the Sporting Clays course. This is open to everyone, athletes and adults alike!

As always, please patronize all our supporting vendors at the SCTP National Championships and thank them for attending! Vendors that have made a donation in support of the SCTP will have a 2021 Sponsor sign located in their store or at their tent. Vendors without this sign are not supporters of our programs!

This will be the largest National Championship in our history, with that said, please be patient and courteous to everyone! We are all working very hard to make sure this event runs on time and as smooth as possible. As many of you are aware, finding help and workers for an event this large has its own challenges, this year is even worse in that regard. Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution!

Thank You,
The SCTP National Team

The 2021 CZ-USA Top Gun Challenge at Nationals

The CZ-USA Top Gun Challenge returns to the 2021 National Championship with the Young Guns of Quail Creek’s Jack Krasulak defending his two-year title of Top Gun!

Athletes competing in the CZ-USA Top Gun Challenge will shoot Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, Iron sight pistol (Rimfire or Centerfire), fastest rifle time, and 1911 with their scores from each event being compiled to calculate the winners. Signups will be through the SASP registration desk at the central events building at the Cardinal Shooting Center.

Allen Eagles bring back SCTP Texas High School State Championship Title

 Guest blog by Richard Scott and the Allen Eagles Competitive Shooting Team 

This past weekend, June 11-13, 415 fifth through twelfth graders competed in the Scholastic Clay Target Program’s 2021 Texas State Shotgun Championships in San Antonio at the National Shooting Complex.

More than 143,000 targets and 5,720 boxes of shotgun ammo decided individual, squad, and team state champions in American Skeet, American Trap, and Sporting Clays. Medals, trophies, and belt buckles were awarded to athletes in grades 5-12 competing in their respective classifications. For most, this was the peak of their season having battled the elements throughout the 6-month league which started back in November 2020.  The final stop in their season will be at SCTP National Championships July 14-17 in Marengo, OH competing against 3,000+ shooting athletes from across the nation.

The following Allen High School students have been named the top 5 athletes in each discipline for the State of Texas and were named to the All-State-Team representing Texas at Nationals are Varsity Co-Captain-Owen Lyons (Trap & Skeet), JV Captain-Dylan Little (Skeet), Brandon Martin (Sporting Clay), Cole Anderson (Trap), and Logan Martinez (Skeet). They will compete at Nationals in Ohio next month.   

Not only do Allen Eagles excel on the field but they excel in the classroom too.  The following Allen Eagle athletes were named to the National SSSF All Scholastic Team: Samantha Gott (Varsity Co-Captain), Allison Hayes, Dylan Little (JV Captain), Brandon Martin, Logan Martinez, and Nick Welch.

The Allen Eagles Competitive Shooting Team won the High School High Overall (H.O.A.) Team Championship by a margin of 51 targets out of 1,500 over the Dripping Springs High School Team, followed by 3rd place Spartan Clay Target Team, 4th place Grace Cougars of Tyler, with Southlake Carroll High School Clay Target Team in 5th place.

Allen’s, Cole Anderson, shot an amazing 99/100 and tied for first in American Trap which required a shootoff.  He fought hard in the heat and ended up with the Silver medal.  Another outstanding performance was by our very own Brandon Martin who shot a perfect round of Sporting Clay.  He went 100/100 to clinch the GOLD for Varsity Men’s Sporting Clay.

“Every year, we graduate a bunch of great shooters and fool ourselves into thinking we’ve seen the best of the best. But each year, a new crop of young shooters step up to the plate and raise the bar,” noted Eagles head coach Jason Anderson. “We just reload.”

Allen had a host of individual and squad award winners too!

SUPER SPORTING Squad: GOLD-Nick Welch, Brandon Martin, Joseph Ferraro: Varsity Men’s GOLD-Nick Welch, BRONZE-Brandon Martin: Varsity Lady SILVER-Samantha Srodulski: JV Men’s Squad: David Pedison, Grant Pursifull, Tyler Stelmach: Intermediate/Advanced Squad: SILVER-Andrew Staehling, Lucas Wilton, Jadyn Pendleton: Intermediate/Advanced Lady: SILVER-Jayden Pendleton

SKEET Team: SILVER-Owen Lyons, Dylan Little, Logan Martinez, Garrett Koch, Nick Welch: Varsity Squad: GOLD-Owen Lyons, Logan Martinez, Tristan Christensen: Varsity Men’s BRONZE: Owen Lyons: Varsity Lady: BRONZE-Samantha Srodulski: JV Squad GOLD: Dylan Little, Tyler Stelmach, Grant Pursifull: JV Men’s: BRONZE: Dylan Little: Intermediate/Advanced Squad: SILVER- Carson Jennings, Jadyn Pendleton, Andrew Staehling: Intermediate/Advanced Lady Athlete: SILVER Jadyn Pendleton BRONZE- Nevaeh Dobrenic

SPORTING CLAYS Team: BRONZE-Brandon Martin, Nick Welch, Trenton Christensen, Dylan Little, Samantha Srodulski: Varsity Squad: BRONZE-Brandon Martin, Nick Welch, Joseph Ferraro: Varsity Men’s: GOLD-Brandon Martin: JV Squad BRONZE: Dylan Little, Grant Pursifull, Tyler Stelmach: Intermediate/Advanced Lady Athlete: SILVER- Jadyn Pendleton

TRAP Team: SILVER-Cole Anderson, Owen Lyons, Trenton Christensen, Logan Martinez, Dylan Little: Varsity Squad: GOLD- Cole Anderson, Owen Lyons, Karsen Fontenot, Garrett Koch, Joseph Showah: SILVER- Trenton Christensen, Logan Martinez, Joseph Ferraro, Brandon Martin, Nick Welch: Varsity Men’s: SILVER – Cole Anderson:  Intermediate/Advanced Squad: SILVER-Carson Jennings, Jadyn Pendleton, Justin Anderson, Lucas Wilton, Andrew Staehling: Intermediate/Advanced Men’s: GOLD-Carson Jennings: Intermediate/Advanced Lady: BRONZE- Jadyn Pendleton

2021 SCTP National Championship Update


Here are the latest updates to the Record-Breaking 2021 SCTP National Championships being held at the Cardinal Center in Marengo Ohio, July 8-17!

As always, if you need help, please reach out to any of the SCTP National Staff for assistance!

We have added additional squads to the Wednesday/Thursday rotation for Singles Trap. Squads 499-522 on banks 1-3 were added for those afternoons for teams that found the rest of the schedule already full and as expected, they entirely filled up by the end of the day! We will be adding 2 more banks of fields, bank 9 and bank 12 for all flights throughout the days on the Wednesday/Thursday rotation. With the Singles Trap numbers soaring to over 2,300 participating athletes and total registrations well over 7,200 for this tournament, we could very well see a world record being set this year at the Cardinal Center!

An additional Bunker Trap rotation for 30 athletes was added to the International disciplines. Squad slots 57-66 were added to Bunker but will be shot on the I-Skeet days of Thursday/Friday, July 8-9. This was the only way we could add the athletes still wanting to compete in the Bunker discipline. Next years Intl competition will see a couple days added as well as an additional Bunker field! Anybody wanting to and able to help referee for the Intl. disciplines this year, please contact Terri Dewitt as soon as possible! We could use your help! bluerockcoaching@icloud.com

Super Sporting has been added to the National Championships this year on the front end of the tournament and is available for squading! This can be shot on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday July 8, 9 or 10! It is a 100 target competition with awards in all divisions! We are gaging the interest in this for next years competition.

There will be a Trap HOA that will include Trap Singles, Handicap Trap and Doubles Trap. Any team wanting to compete in that HOA must shoot all 3 of these events to qualify!

Make A Break will be offered again this year! There will be daily ammunition prizes as well as awards for top lady and top guy. Overall winner will walk away with a brand new Winchester SX3!

Squad slots will start to be combined for most disciplines this week. If you have a squad that is short, you may want to add an athlete that is on the fence about attending or those single slots will be populated with single athletes from another team. This is done to free up slots for teams that have full squads needing to register.

The Wild Rose Grill crew will be offering a healthier choice in food this year. They will be located behind the Grandstands in a big tent and will offer a Southwest Chicken Sandwich, Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, fresh smoked pulled pork sandwich and more! They also do team catering at your campsites! If you are interested in having the Wild Rose cater your teams supper any night, please contact Todd Veeser at 1-715-616-1197. They can offer some sides like cornbread, green beans, potato salad and more as well as stir fry, burgers and other menu options but will have a limited time they can do this, so don’t wait too long!

Get some of that great Hunters Blend Coffee in that same tent behind the Grandstands!

Ammunition! Probably the biggest question we get right now is the availability of ammunition. Our sponsors have confirmed that they will make sure there is plenty of ammunition for teams and athletes at this years Nationals! Teams may be required to show proof of events being shot for purchase, but ammo will be available! Also, anybody wanting to shoot side events like the flurry, ammo will also be available for sale to be shot at that side game!

Squading and registration for the Kids & Clays / SCTP Charity shoot is open! That will take place on Friday/Saturday, July 16/17 on the Sporting Clays course. This is open to everyone, athletes and adults alike!

State Advisors, please reach out to your Director of Development as your state shoots are finalized. As in the past, All State Teams will be determined by finishes at the state level shoots, and those athletes who are then attending the National Championships!

Please stay tuned for more weekly updates regarding the SCTP National Championships this July!

Thank You,

The SCTP National Team

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