2021 SCTP Nationals Information

Hello everyone!
We welcome all of you back for another great season of outside activities in the clay target shooting world! This past year has been one for the books but it has also given us time to think and regroup, allowing some changes that we feel will be best for everybody especially considering the growth we are seeing and involvement at the National Championships!
Please read through all of the information below. Due to certain possible restrictions and gathering of large crowds and anything else that may be in place, we feel that many of these items will be for the best. We ask that you all bear with us while we work to put on the best possible National Championship that we can for you!
1.) “Pre-Registration” for Nationals – National Championship pre-registration will open on May 7th and all information must be postmarked no later than May 17th. Pre-Registration is available for Trap Singles, Sporting Clays and Skeet ONLY! Please do not send information to us for any other disciplines. All other disciplines will be open for squading on June 1st. Pre Registration materials are available on our website at www.mysctp.com
2.) There will be no coach / state advisor meetings at Nationals. The rules and information to be shared will be available at check in where the acting head coach will sign off on receiving a copy of the shared information.
3.) SCTP International Championships – The International National Championships will be conducted July 8-11. I-Skeet will be shot July 8/9 and Bunker Trap will be shot July 10/11. These will be held again at the Cardinal Center in Marengo, Ohio. Coaches, when registering your athletes for the International Disciplines, please do NOT squad them for any other shooting activities those days. True to the International disciplines, squads are chosen at random and squad times and flights will vary depending on total number of participants! This is an actual International event in all aspects, not a practice or try it type event. The SCTP International Team will be chosen from the finalists of this event!! Trophies and medals will be awarded! 4.) Golf Carts – Golf carts will be available through Eagle Golf Cars 888-432-3059 www.eaglegolfcars.net
5.) COACHES! It is your responsibility to make sure you have read and shared all information with your parents and athletes. Please make sure your athletes are properly squaded and in the correct division!! *Section 3B in the SCTP Handbook SSSF – Official SCTP Handbook (mysctp.com)
6.) Awards Ceremonies – Awards ceremonies for Skeet, Sporting Clays, Double Trap, Handicap Trap will take place on Friday evening, July 16 at about 5:30pm or right after the last squads are complete on the Trap Fields. All Team Shoot offs and 200 straight ties for Skeet and Sporting Clays will be shot off Thursday evening, July 15th after last squads are complete. For safety and those not wanting to be part of a large crowd, your teams may pick up your awards at the Trophy room between 9am and 12:00 noon on Friday, July 16. Award ceremonies for Skeet Doubles, Trap Singles and HOA awards will all take place after shooting is complete and all scores are entered on Saturday, July 17 in the grandstand area as in the past. If any team cannot attend the awards ceremonies, please stop in and see us. If possible, we will try and get you your awards before you leave the property!
7.) Last Competitor Standing competition will take place on Wednesday, July 14th at about 7:00pm. Wristbands must be purchased for $5 and worn at the competition. Lots of great prizes!
8.) College Day – Meet College coaches and some of their teammates on College day Friday, July 16th from 9am – 4pm. At the tents between vendor buildings 2-3. Colleges who attended the SCTP College Championships in March will have first choice table placement, other non-attending colleges will be filled in after that.
9.) Events like the “SCTP Pizza Party” and the “Ice Cream Social” will be a TBD based on any restrictions set forth by the state of Ohio. If everything is business as usual, Pizza night will be Thursday, July 15th and the Ice Cream Social will be Friday, July 16th. As allowed, we hope to hold the Opening Ceremonies on Wednesday, July 14th at approximately 5:30pm at the Grandstands!
10.) PLEASE stop by and see our many sponsors! We should be at full speed with all sponsors present again this year. They support our program our athletes and the shooting sports in general, please patronize them when and where possible….and thank them!
11.) New College Nationals Dates for the 2021/2022 season – Dates for the College Nationals will be October 7-10, 2021. After discussing with many of the attending college coaches this past March, we have decided to get the College Nationals back in sync with when we used to hold them. Per many of your requests, the International Disciplines will both be offered in a larger format. Based on the interest, the International Disciplines may start a day or 2 earlier than the posted date.
12.) Help us help you! If you see anything inappropriate and have any problems, please let us know asap! We want to make your National Championship experience the best it can be!
We will do a follow up email to all attending teams about the 3rd week of June, please watch for that.
Many of our teams have taken advantage of the Federal Ammunition deal and the Winchester Ammunition offer. Most if not all these orders have been processed and most/all are set for delivery to the teams. Please be on the watch for them and again, please reach out and thank these companies for their support of our teams!
Thank you!
The SCTP National Team