
Tag: National Championship

See, Download & Share Photos from 2015 Nationals


Our collection of photos from the SCTP-SPP National Team Championships in Sparta and SCTP National Championships for International Disciplines in Colorado Springs have now been assembled on our Flickr page and are available for you to view, download, print, and share.

Click here to see our 2015 Nationals photos on Flickr

Even if you haven’t used Flickr before, you’ll probably find it pretty intuitive once you poke around a bit. However, here are a few notes to speed up the learning curve:

    The album will open to a collection of images on one page. If you want to look at an image in full-frame or to share or download it, just click on the image to open it.

    With any image opened, look for these icons in the lower right corner:

    Flickr icons

    If you wish to download the image, click on the icon on the right, the “down” arrow. What you’re seeing on the page will usually be a much smaller version of the image, with several larger sizes available to be downloaded. You’ll see some options:

    Flickr image sizes

    Just choose what you want. For a social media icon – or postage stamp – you might choose the 150×150 option. For a large print, go with the largest available size. To submit to your newspaper, download the largest available size to allow them to re-size it as needed.

    If you want to share the image in social media, click on the center icon, the “right” arrow, and again you’ll have options and some choices to make:

    Flickr share

    For most purposes, such as sharing on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll need to select “Link” as the Code option. If you want to embed the photo into your blog or website, you can choose “HTML.” When that is the case, you will also have a choice of sizes.

If you choose to share images on social media (yes, do!), please continue to use the event hashtag, #SSSF2015.

Go to our Flickr page.

Meet Olympic Gold Medalist Vincent Hancock at the National Championships in Sparta

Vincent Hancock
U.S. Army photo
SSSF is pleased to announce that two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Vincent Hancock will be attending the SCTP National Championships to meet YOU!

Vincent won Gold Medals in Men’s Skeet at both the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games and is the first Olympic skeet shooter to win Gold Medals in the same event in consecutive Olympic games.

He will be attending Nationals on Wednesday, July 15 through Friday, July 17 and will be available for autographs, photos, and some special events to be announced later. Watch our website and Range Time newsletter for announcements about when and where you can meet Vincent.

Vincent is sponsored by Zanders Sporting Goods and NobelSport Italia.

Skeet Referees Needed for National Championships

In an effort to keep the costs down at our National Championships in Sparta, Illinois this year, we are looking for help with our skeet refereeing.

Coaches: If you have any athletes who have graduated from your programs, assistant coaches with some extra time, or parents with skeet experience, they may be just who we are looking for.

While we would like to have certified referees, we are also looking for 20 to 30 people with skeet shooting or scoring experience.

We will pay $45 for a half day or $100 for a full day. Schedules will be set for Monday, July 13 through Thursday, July 16. Half days would be either 7:30 a.m. to – 12:00 noon OR 12:00 noon to 4:30 p.m. We are also looking for a handful of interested people for Friday’s Skeet Doubles.

If you know qualified persons who can help, please email SCTP National Director Tom Wondrash, twondrash@sssfonline.com.

Briley Offering Pre-ordering for SCTP Nationals Purchases

BrileyBriley Mfg. is making plans for the SCTP National Championships in Sparta, and to help the company be well prepared to serve the participating athletes, they are offering pre-ordering of chokes and selected accessories to be picked up at the event. The “Buy One Choke, Get One Free” is a popular Briley offer each year, and with limited inventory at the event, they want to make sure to have the products you need when you shop in their store.

“The ‘Buy One, Get One’ is a once-a-year sale we love to do for the kids,” commented Briley’s Hannah Price. “We feel very strongly that youth are the future of shooting sports and hunting, and we are committed to helping in any way we can.”

Please note that the offer is for SCTP members only.

All orders must be placed no later than Wednesday, July 8. To order chokes, wrenches, and accessories, you should send the following information by email, mail, fax, or phone:

    Phone number
    Make, model, and gauge of the gun(s)
    Products information

Please be specific regarding the style of chokes you want, i.e., silver extended, black extended, spectrum (color bands), ported, titanium, etc. Then list the constrictions (sizes) you want, i.e., SK, IC, LMOD, etc.

Helix chokes are $50 each and are not included in the Buy One, Get One offer.

If you need help selecting your chokes, contact Briley; any sales rep will be able to help you.

You should also include any wrenches, grease, choke cleaning brushes, snap caps, or other accessories you wish to purchase.

All orders must be paid for and picked up in Sparta. Shipping is not available for pre-orders.

“All the kids and their families have always been top notch, polite, grateful, and truly a pleasure to do business with,” said Price. “Briley would also like to thank all the parents, coaches, and chaperons for their hard work and commitment to the kids and this sport. Without you, this week of shooting would not happen.”

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Briley’s sales team in Houston at 713-932-6995 or smp@briley.com.

Make Your Plans for 2015 National Championships

The biggest events of the year are on the 2015 calendar for SCTP and SPP, and your year won’t be complete if you don’t participate in at least one of them!

Registration is now open for SCTP team registration through the SHOT system and for SPP teams.

View the National Championships Program

Save these dates for our 2015 SCTP and SPP National Championship events:

July 13-18SCTP National Championships (American)Sparta, IL
July 13-18SPP Junior/Senior National ChampionshipsSparta, IL
July 27-Aug. 2SCTP National Championships (International)Colorado Springs, CO

In 2014, each discipline experienced record-breaking participation in its national events, and we’re expecting nothing less at this year’s championships. More than 2500 student athletes participated in the National Championship events in Sparta, Illinois alone. In addition, the national championships are the largest source of endowment fund contributions to team accounts for both SCTP and SPP.

Below is the schedule for each discipline at the SCTP-SPP Junior/Senior National Championships in Sparta:

    Sunday, July 12 – Registration
    Monday, July 13 – Skeet, trap handicap/doubles, sporting clays, pistol
    Tuesday, July 14 – Skeet, trap handicap/doubles, sporting clays, pistol
    Wednesday, July 15 – Skeet, trap handicap/doubles, sporting clays, pistol
    Thursday, July 16 – Skeet, trap handicap/doubles, sporting clays, pistol
    Friday, July 17 – Trap, skeet doubles, pistol
    Saturday, July 18 – Trap, skeet doubles, pistol

Mark your calendars for these important events — don’t miss them!

Complete Our National Championships Survey

We want to know what you think. With our 2014 SCTP and SPP National Championships recently behind us, we want to know how we did. Did we meet your expectations or leave you wishing for more? Were our new features hits or misses? We’re already planning next year’s Nationals, and you can help us make the events even better by giving us some input.

Go to our Nationals Survey

Didn’t go to our Nationals events? We still want to hear from you! There are questions for shooters, parents, coaches, and everyone else who has reason to read this page.

We’ve designed the questions so you can simply click to give your response, but if you have more to say, there are opportunities for you to get it all off your chest.

To thank you for your input, we’ll be drawing for eight (8) prize packages that will be won by respondents. Prizes include ammunition, logo clothing, and logo gear.

Thank you in advance for your help in making next year’s National Championships the best ever!

Dan Rex Is Krieghoff K-80 Winner

Krieghoff K-80 Congratulations to Dan Rex of Audubon, Penn., drawn as winner of the Krieghoff Vintage Scroll K-80 shotgun worth more than $20,000. The drawing was held last Saturday night during the National Championships.

Raffle tickets for the gun drawing were sold for $50 each to raise money for the SSSF Scholarship Fund. SCTP and SPP teams also had the opportunity to sell the tickets to earn endowment funds.

Our congratulations to Mr. Rex!

There’s Plenty to Do at Nationals!

Coaches and athletes may think there’s nothing to do at Nationals other than shoot your match for the day or watch others shoot. Au contraire!   There’s plenty to keep you busy and entertained — and shooting — all week. Here are just a few things to consider:

  • Rifle Side Match – This year we will offer a special Rifle Side Match, sponsored by Ruger and hosted by Pheasants Forever. Not only can you have fun shooting .22 rifles, you may even win one! The match winner will take home a Ruger 10/22 rifle, and there will be drawings to give away three more.
  • Special Pistol Shooting Clinic – PARA USA Professional Shooter, Travis Tomasie, will be hosting two clinics on Wednesday, July 16 at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on the pistol berm. You don’t want to miss this!
  • SCTP Shooters: Try SPP – Give SPP competition a try. There will be loaner guns available and likely some open time slots. Check with registration at the pistol berm for openings.
  • Winchester Coaches’ Shoot-out – Coaches and adult volunteers can shoot daily, Monday through Friday, in the skeet-trap Make-a-Break. See the event program for details.
  • Shotgunning Demonstration by Dave Miller – CZ-USA’s Dave Miller will do fun shotgunning demonstrations on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 2:00 p.m.
  • And More! – Check the event program for more information on side games, demonstrations, evening events, and other activities. There’s something to do every minute!

    Win a Remington Rifle or PARA Pistol at Nationals

    RemingtonRemington Arms will be giving away two guns at the upcoming SCTP – SPP National Championships, and any competing athlete or coach can win one of them!

    The two prize guns are a Remington Model 783 bolt-action rifle and a PARA Expert .45 pistol. For your chance to win one PARAof these guns, all you have to do is stop by the Remington Store on Vendor Row. Show them the orange wrist band you’ll be getting in your shooter’s bag, and you can register to win.

    See the 2014 SCTP – SPP National Team Championships Program

    National Championships Program
    Click to view event program
    If you want to know anything about the upcoming National Team Championships, chances are, it’s in the event program. So we’ve now posted the National Championships program for you to use as you’re planning your SCTP or SPP team’s trip to Sparta.

    View the National Team Championships Program

    The program is presented in a handy flipbook format so you can click right through, beginning to end, without downloading — unless you want to. You can also click on any ad to go straight to the sponsor’s website.

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