SCTP Shooters Take USAS Team to Gold Medal and World Championship
Sydney Carson, Hannah Houston, and Dania Vizzi
Dania Vizzi of Odessa, Florida, Sydney Carson of North Liberty, Indiana and Hannah Houston of Columbia, Tennessee, earned a Junior World Team title in record-breaking fashion with a world’s-best score of 204, 11 targets ahead of second-place Czech Republic.
In addition, Dania Vizzi won individual honors as the Junior World Champion in Women’s Skeet. Sydney finished 5th overall individually, and Hannah finished 8th.
“I’m very satisfied,” Vizzi said. “It was a hard day and I’m happiest that I stayed consistent and focused all day. My main goal was to compete better than I did last year, and the result was amazing.” Dania, who started competitive shooting as a member of the Tampa Bay Clays SCTP team, now shoots for the University of Florida, also an SCTP team.
Congratulations to Dania, Sydney, and Hannah! We’re proud of you!