SCTP Nationals Update & Information!

The SCTP National Championships registration opens Wednesday (June 1st)! Here are a few updates and information you may need to know for this years tournament. #1 – At this time – all pre-registrations that have been received are in (130+) – Payments will process this week! At that time you will see balances cleared on the vouchers for the amount you paid during Pre-Registration. Remember, these payments are non-refundable! #2 – With the challenge for many of juggling State shoot and Nationals pre-built squads – there were several teams who had a few issues with squads – we did our best to make sure that there were a correct number of slots for each team based on the amount they were paying for each discipline. PLEASE CHECK YOUR VOUCHERS…. After June 1st you will be able to log in and make any and all changes to pre-registration squads. #3 – Several teams built their pre-built squads under the HS (High School classifications) While we do use that for our High School Awards we need everyone to be classified in SCTP – A. This also caused some teams to not allow us to populate the squads you built so again, we chose random athletes from your team to ensure you had the number of athletes in the system based on what your payment was for. PLEASE CHECK YOUR VOUCHERS…. After June 1st you will be able to log in and make any and all changes to pre-registration squads. #4 – We will be monitoring and opening additional slots as we are able – please keep in mind when we open slots, that means we have to hire more help – we strategically open slots to help ensure the costs are reasonable for everyone! Skeet Doubles Competition – Bettinsoli USA has been newly named as the official firearm sponsor of this years Skeet Doubles competition. Four number will be picked at the end of the day on Friday, July 15th. The top 2 shooters in each of those 4 groups of numbers (total 8 shooters) will be invited to shoot a Bettinsoli Shotgun in a Make A Break format Saturday afternoon to determine the winner of the new Bettinsoli Omega Sport Shotgun! Thank you Bettinsoli for stepping up!! International Ammunition will be available at this years National Championships. If you have Intl. ammo, please bring it as supplies will be limited! Other ammunition will be available as well through Sportsmans Den and the Cardinal Center Sporting Clays building. College day will be Friday, July 15th from 9am – 5pm at the Hitters Building. Colleges that attended this past falls SCTP National Championships will have preferred table placement when you enter the building! As always, businesses and vendors that have the official “2022 SCTP Sponsor” placard in their store window or tent are folks that helped support and sponsor our program. When possible, please patronize these businesses. If they do not have this placard, please ask them why they don’t support! Please contact us with any other questions! The SCTP National Team |