
SCTP National Banquet a Huge Success!

20170317_193654The SCTP just completed its second banquet of the year. This banquet was held in Waterford, Wisconsin, on Friday, March 17, 2017, and is the program’s longest-running banquet to date.

This year’s banquet was the most successful, raising much-needed funding for the program’s scholarship fund, as well as general operating expenses. More than 240 attendees spent a high-energy evening bidding on hunting trips, fishing trips, vacations to Belize/Costa Rica/St. Thomas and many other items along with many high-end firearms and locally donated items.

The attendees included representation from 11 SCTP teams across Wisconsin. These teams represented over 1,000 athletes of the states more than 3,500 currently registered with the SCTP National organization.

20170317_202849Stealing the stage at this year’s banquet was “Fred”. Who is Fred you ask? Well, Fred was a 17-pound lobster brought in from Gloucester, Massachusetts. Yes, that’s 17 pounds of lobster and quite possibly the largest lobster to invade Wisconsin. He was part of a cooler of seafood that was raffled off (and won by Central Falcons head coach, Al Chickerneo)!

“We had great representation from Wisconsin teams this year and many left with some of the nicest banquet prizes you could ask for!” Tom Wondrash, SCTP’s national director and banquet MC, said. “This is where we get to showcase many of our industry sponsors’ donations and contributions to our program. We are very thankful for their support as well as the many in attendance that night!”

The banquet host team, the Burlington High School Shooting Team, will see a $10,000 donation made in the teams MidwayUSA Foundation team endowment account for its role in raising local donations and helping organize and work at this year’s event. The team’s help and the help from other local teams are what has made this banquet the premier fundraising banquet of the year for the SCTP!

If you are interested in helping the SCTP run a national banquet, please contact SCTP National Director Tom Wondrash at twondrash@sssfonline.com for all the details.


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