SCTP Announces International Style National Championships Venue

For Immediate Release
Burlington, WI
The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) announces some changes in venue and format for its International Style National Championships 2020 and well beyond!
The SCTP International-Style National Championships, formerly held in Colorado Springs, CO will now be held at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio. In conjunction with the SCTP’s American Style National Championships being held July 11-18, the “International Style” National Championships will be held on the front end, running from July 9-12. Open training will take place July 7-8 with International Skeet Championships taking place July 9-10 and Bunker Trap Championships taking place July 11-12. An awards ceremony will follow International Style competition on Sunday, July 12.
“We couldn’t be happier to have the SCTP’s International Style National Championships come to the Cardinal Center here in Marengo Ohio, we welcome them with open arms!” stated Jack Fishburn, owner of the Cardinal Center.
“The SCTP has demonstrated its commitment to growth in the youth shooting sports, establishing itself as a great asset to the Cardinal Center’s plans to provide and build the best shooting and camping facility in the world!” added Luke Spengler, Cardinal Center Trap Manager.
The Cardinal Center has committed to build four state of the art International Skeet and Bunker field overlays on their massive property west of the current sporting clays ranges. Supplying the fields with equipment will be up to the SCTP and its sponsors. To date, the SCTP will be providing one set of Bunker machines and Promatic has agreed to supply one set as well. The remaining two fields will be constructed by the Cardinal Center, but will remain non-operational until funds can be raised to supply trap machines and related equipment. “Promatic is very excited to see the SCTP support International shooting and its athletes in this manner! They are definitely making a difference and filling a pipeline of athletes for tomorrow’s Olympians.” commented Jim Moses, CEO for Promatic. “The SCTP is proof that through hard work and dedication to youth shooting, they can make a difference and offer real opportunities for our young athletes. We couldn’t be prouder to be involved!”
Not only will the International Style Championships be held in Marengo for the foreseeable future, the Cardinal Center will be dubbed “Home of the SCTP International Team”, lead by coach Terri DeWitt!
“This is a real game changer for SCTP athletes, teams and families across the country!” said Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director. “To bring both of our National Championships together under one roof is absolutely a dream come true! Parents and families will not have to choose which tournament they want to attend, as they can attend both now! This single venue schedule costs them less money and less time off of work, with less travel. We can’t thank the Cardinal Center and Promatic enough for their commitment to youth shooting and the SCTP!”

The SCTP’s International Team will begin training this spring/summer in Marengo and has its sights set on attending a Junior Cup International competition later this summer in Finland. Lead by coach DeWitt, these athletes are getting some of the best training available, along with help and support from the likes of Dr. Jason Selk, Dr. Cathy Arnot, 2-time Olympian Connie Smotek and SSG Dustan Taylor of the US Army Marksmanship Unit’s Skeet Team!
If you are interested in supporting or sponsoring the SCTP and/or the SCTP’s International Team, please contact SCTP National Director Tom Wondrash at