Pre-Order Briley Chokes for SCTP Nationals – BOGO
Briley is again offering impressive discounts on its chokes and accessories for 4H and SCTP members attending the Texas State 4-H Championships in San Antonio, Texas, and the SCTP Nationals in Marengo, Ohio.
The discount includes a buy-one-choke, get-one-free sale. Because of limited inventory, Briley is currently taking pre-orders for chokes and accessories that can be picked up during the events. The sale is limited to 4-H and SCTP athletes only.
All orders must be placed no later than June 30. 2017.
Please email, mail, fax, or called in the following info to Briley.
- Name
- Address
- Phone #
- Make, model, and gauge of the gun(s)
- The style of chokes you want. i.e. silver extended, black extended, spectrum (color bands), ported, titanium, etc. Then…list the constrictions (sizes) you want. i.e. SK, IC, LMOD, etc. (If you need help selecting your chokes, please feel free to contact any one our sales reps and we will be happy to help.)
- Include any wrenches, grease, choke-cleaning brushes, snap caps and other accessories you’d like to purchase.
Please call Briley at 1-800-331-5718 to place your order with any sales rep or email
All orders must be paid for and picked up in San Antonio and Marengo. Shipping is not available for pre-orders.