Inagural ACUI/SCTP National Championship
Held with Great Success

Held at the historic National Shooting Complex in San Antonio, the ACUI/SCTP College Nationals saw nearly 75 teams from 29 states registering some 770 athletes. With strong growth of established and new collegiate teams registered with the ACUI/SCTP, inaugural championship saw almost 4,000 registrations. This event’s popularity is significant when measured next to the SCTP’s junior-aged National Championship which conducted 8,000 registrations at last year’s 12-day event, known as the largest youth shooting sports event in the world.
“I want to say congratulations to all the students that came out to compete with us in San Antonio for our 2023 ACUI & SCTP Collegiate Clay Target Championships,” exclaimed Taylor Blechschmid, ACUI Educational Program Manager. “We saw some top tier shooting from numerous teams and are so excited we could bring together so many groups of athletes from across the country. Their dedication to the sport inspires us to continue aiming high and putting our best foot forward for this community.

“I couldn’t be happier with how our first partnered nationals event was executed. We had lofty goals this year and our team put their all into achieving them. From the improved squadding and scoring system, to moving back to a shoot offs and awards day, we feel this was the smoothest the event has ever run and are already working to improve upon this foundation for years to come.”
“This partnership with the ACUI all started with a phone call by myself last spring and culminated into a very good relationship over this past year,” stated Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director. “This partnership ultimately improves the experience at every level for the college coaches and athletes. We had nothing but good things to hear from all of the college coaches and athletes that attended, and the National Shooting Complex staff did an outstanding job hosting us. All in all, a very successful partnership turned into a very successful College National Championship!”
The SCTP will round out its season at the Cardinal Shooting Center this July for its junior-aged National Championship, which has historically been the largest shoot conducted at the facility for three years running. The ACUI and SCTP partnership will continue throughout the calendar year and into the next, starting with International National Championships (Bunker Trap & International Skeet), also held at the Cardinal Shooting Center in October.