Browning Continues Their Sponsorship of SCTP for 2019

The Scholastic Clay Target Program would like to thank Browning yet again for their continued sponsorship, support and trust in our national youth shooting program and staff!
“The SCTP is one of the great organizations that we’re honored to support each year,” said Rafe Nielsen, Browning’s communications manager in marketing. “The work they do to develop youth shooting is second to none. Their commitment to healthy competition, developing advanced shooters, and bringing new shooters to the sport is vital to keeping the shooting sports strong. We’re proud to be sponsors and look forward to a great 2019 with them. “
Come see Browning and many other shooting Industry reps at the SCTP National Championships July 13-20 at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio!
“We are humbled by Browning’s continued support, sponsorship and confidence in SCTP maintaining the best youth shooting program in the world,” said Tom Wondrash, National Director for the SCTP. “Browning and SCTP strive to find ways to support our teams, athletes and families. We are very thankful for companies like Browning who share this same dream and understand the importance of youth involvement in the shooting sports!”