
Tag: sporting clays

A Trio of Shotgunning Tips from NSSF

The National Shooting Sports Foundation offers three important tips for shotgunners that can help you shoot better, hit more targets, and enjoy your day on the course more.

NSSF Video

Registration Open for SCTP College Regional “Spooktacular” Tournament, Oct. 31 – Nov. 2

Online registration is now open for the SCTP College Regional “Spooktacular” Tournament planned for Halloween weekend at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in Sparta, Illinois.

The 400-target tournament is open to any college team registered with the Scholastic Clay Target Program.

The shoot will open on Friday, October 31 with sporting clays and 5-stand competition, as well as a Last Competitor Standing event and Halloween costume contest. Saturday will feature skeet, wobble trap, and 5-stand events. Trap and an awards ceremony will fill Sunday morning, November 2, before teams’ departure in early afternoon.

More than $80,000 in endowment funding will be available for contribution to participating and winning teams’ MidwayUSA Foundation endowment accounts.

Click here for costs and complete event details

Sporting Clays Shoot to Benefit Habitat for Humanity

If you’re in Middle America this weekend, here’s something you can do that is fun and benefits a good cause.

SCTP shooter Corey Spruill and his father, coach James Spruill, of the Gateway Claybusters in Missouri, are hosting their annual sporting clays shoot to benefit Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, August 23.

Shooting for the 100-target event starts at 8 a.m.

Team entry is $300, and individuals may shoot for $75.

Click on the links below for more information and registration.

Event Flyer

Sponsor Information

Registration Form

SCTP’s National Team Championships Open Registration with Record Numbers

Registration is now open for next month’s SCTP National Team Championships, and if the first day of registration is any indication, it is sure to be a record-shattering event.

During the first 24 hours that teams could register for the National Championships, more than 627 student athletes were signed up for SCTP events, representing 40 teams from 15 states. Almost 1000 event registrations were completed during the first day.

The event will be held July 14-19 at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in Sparta, IL. In addition, SCTP will host shooters at our National Championships for international events on July 25-29 in Colorado Springs, CO.

As in previous years, SCTP teams will compete in Skeet, Trap, and Sporting Clays during the weeklong event. For this year’s Nationals, teams can also compete in Doubles Trap, Handicap Trap, and Skeet Doubles events. A new College Open category will allow college students to compete at the National Championships with their former high school teams.

Sharing the spotlight with the Scholastic Clay Target Program during Nationals will be the Scholastic Pistol Program (SPP), concurrently holding its second Junior/Senior National Championships.

The two programs will award $713,000 in endowment funds to competing teams at our national events, representing $450,000 to SCTP teams at the Sparta tournament; $156,000 at SCTP’s National Championships for international events; and $107,000 to SPP teams at Nationals. Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation will donate the endowment funds to team accounts at the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc.

In addition to a week of shooting competition, other activities are planned to benefit our student athletes, including College Recruiting Day to provide recruiting opportunities to colleges with shooting teams, and Youth Conservation Day, when athletes will learn about various conservation organizations and opportunities for involvement.

“We’re off to a tremendous start with registrations for our National Championships, and we’re expecting another record year, following a record 2000-plus shooters in 2013,” said Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director. “The SCTP staff and our dedicated sponsors work on this event year-round to ensure it is the nation’s premier youth shooting competition. With its wide range of shooting events and activities, abundant endowment funds the teams can earn, and opportunities for teams to compete against the nation’s best, we’re confident this is an event without equal.”

SCTP head coaches can log in to their accounts at www.sssfonline.org to register.

SCTP Plans Regional Tournaments in Wisconsin And Arizona

Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) teams will convene in Arizona and Wisconsin next month for regional tournaments that will offer endowment funding to trap and sporting clays teams.

On Saturday, June 7, the Wisconsin Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) home grounds in Rome, Wis., will host a high school regional tournament that is open to all SCTP registered teams. The event will include 100 16-yard trap targets.

$20,000 in SSSF endowment funds will be offered to SCTP teams in Varsity and Junior Varsity divisions, ranging from $4000 for the first-place teams to $1000 for fourth-place teams. College athletes who compete will be recognized with individual medals for the top three finishers.

After the shoot, participants are invited to stay for the grand opening of Wisconsin’s first ever bunker trap.

Squadding for the shoot is available at www.sssfonline.com.

On June 13-14, Arizona Game & Fish and Prescott Bird Busters will host sporting clays and trap competitions for all Western Region SCTP members. Medals will be awarded to first- through third-place finishers, and High Overall (HOA) buckles will be presented to dual registered athletes. The SSSF will award over $40,000 to SCTP team endowment accounts for this tournament.

You can see more details in the event program. You can also find the registration form in the program. To register, teams should complete and return the registration form, as well as registering online at http://www.sssfonline.com/shotv4/index.asp.

For more event information or registration, contact Dennis Fogle, Shooting Sports Coordinator, Arizona Game & Fish Department, dfogle@azgfd.gov, phone 623-236-7305.

SCTP Shows Substantial Growth In Successful Midwest Regional Tournament

Teams from seven states traveled to the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC) in Sparta, IL in April for the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) High School and College Regional Tournament, the first major event of the season for most of the shooters. Student athletes from Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Iowa, Indiana, and Kansas competed in three disciplines – skeet, trap, and sporting clays.

In spite of a brutal Midwestern winter that delayed the start of clay target shooting for many teams, the regional shoot had 384 competitors, representing an 82% increase in participation over last year. Sporting clays had 91 participants, skeet had 97, and trap had the largest field at 346, for a total of 534 registrations for this growing event.

“A total of 53,600 competition targets were fired upon by these athletes, with not one single miscue,” cites Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Program Director. “Several northern teams wanted to attend but still have not had their first practice because of the harsh winter.”

Purdue University Trap & Skeet Club (IN) won the Collegiate High Over All (HOA) title. Among high school teams, the Waterloo Lead Heads (IL) took home the Gold, while Pinckneyville High School (IL) took Silver and the Kansas City Crushers (KS) earned the Bronze.

Additional team winners include:

CollegiatePurdue Trap and Skeet Club (IN)
VarsityWaterloo Lead Heads (IL)
Junior VarsitySt. Charles Sportsman’s Club Shot Crew (IL)
IntermediateHenry Co. No Fly Zone (TN)
Sporting Clays
CollegiatePurdue Trap and Skeet Club (IN)
VarsityKansas City Crushers (KS)
Junior VarsityAlton Wood River Sportsman’s Club (IL)
IntermediatePinckneyville High School Shooting Sports (IL)
Collegiate University of Wisconsin Platteville (WI)
VarsityGateway Claybusters (MO)
Junior VarsitySt. Charles Sportsman’s Club Shot Crew (IL)
IntermediateTeam Henges (MO)

See full results on our Scores page. Scroll down to 2014 Regional Shoot.

The weekend was just a taste of what is to come in Sparta, as many of the 26 teams, including four colleges, set their sights on other local tournaments and then the National Championships being held July 14-19, 2014 at the WSRC.

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