
Tag: pre-squad

Pre-Squadding Information for 2018 SCTP National Championships

Due to the extremely large volume of teams and coaches trying to squad for the 2018  National Championships, we have decided to implement a new registration path this year to take some pressure off coaches competing for slots and shooting times when general online registration is open and available on June 1st.

This year, we are trying something new.

We are going to allow teams to “pre-squad” for the SCTP National Championships.

Here’s how it will work:

Teams must send via US Postal Service to the Burlington, WI address provided, a filled out “Nationals pre-squad form” available on our Forms and Handbook section of our website. You will need to fill out a form for each team “scenario”……meaning, the dates and times for each squad you want entered. These squads must be “pre-built” in your team’s page and be built for each discipline. Date for SCTP to receive these forms is Tuesday, May 15. Do not send prior to that date, entries received with a prior date stamp will not be accepted!!

This form must be sent in with payment either by credit card or by check, no payment sent in with forms will result in no squads entered for that team. These funds are “nonrefundable”!! If you pay for 15 athletes and only 12 show up, the other 3 athlete’s fees are not returned. A team may change shooters or resquad them before nationals, that is no problem.

We will take the presquad forms in the order they are received by us from the US Postal service and in order of the time stamp on the envelope. No dropping off of forms will be allowed and PLEASE, do NOT send these forms with a signature required. They will be put at the end of the forms received that day or the next day if they are sent with a signature required……

Squading will be confirmed and posted prior to the opening of the National Championship squading on June 1st. Please give us 3 options or “scenarios” for your teams squads as many slots will fill up fast. See the form and instructions for more details regarding squading for the SCTP National Championships! Hope to see you all in Marengo, Ohio July 14-21!

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