
Tag: Caesar Guerini

SCTP Welcomes Caesar Guerini/Fabarm/Syren as Newest Sponsor

The SCTP welcomes the Guerini family of firearms to its lengthy list of supporters. Caesar Guerini will also be attending the National Championships in Marengo, Ohio, in support of SCTP teams and families. Please stop by to say hello and thank them for their decision to support the finest youth clay target shooting program in the country!

“Caesar Guerini is very excited to be a sponsor of the SCTP this year,” Tom Smith, VP of Caesar Guerini USA, said. “The youth shooting market is very important to Caesar Guerini. Programs that enable youth to participate in a positive way in shooting sports is essential to the longterm growth of our industry.  I’ve had the opportunity to attend a few SCTP shoots and have witnessed firsthand the supportive environment with both family and team involvement. We are honored to sponsor such an organization.”

Tom Wondrash, SCTP national program director, said, “We are extremely pleased to share in the announcement with Guerini, Fabarm and Syren and are excited to have this great firearm manufacturer join the ranks of our current sponsors in support of our youth organization. Guerini, Fabarm and Syren are well known for their quality and dependability. We are humbled by the support of these great industry sponsors!”

If you are interested in supporting youth shooting programs with a donation or sponsorship, please contact the SCTP or Tom Wondrash at twondrash@sssfonline.com

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