SSSF Fruit Fundraiser

Hello SCTP & SASP Coaches and Teams!
The National office in conjunction with Florida Indian River Groves have put together the ultimate fundraising opportunity for you and your teams! Who doesn’t want fresh fruit especially when they can help your team raise much needed funds for this upcoming season?!
This opportunity is a no contact, no face to face, no door knocking way to help and support your team by just emailing friends, family and neighbors! 10% of all sales will come back directly to your team in the form of a check after the December 1st deadline for Christmas delivery.
The SCTP and SASP will furnish a list of prizes and places very shortly, so take the time now to register your team at the link below and we will handle the rest! Once your team is registered, it will take approximately 48-72 hours and you will be on your way to forwarding the link and website for supporters to place orders and help your team with funding!
Coaches, once you have registered your team, you will be able to set up your athletes and track their progress and total sales volume related to each athlete (salesperson)… can put up individual prizes and contests for your athletes as well!
We would like to thank Florida Indian River Groves for their support and help in providing this awesome
Opportunity to our teams, athletes and families!
Best of luck,
Your SCTP and SASP National Directors
To reserve a spot in our fundraising program, teams will register at this link:
To view a sample website, which shows available varieties, selling prices, etc., coaches may use this link:
(Note: This is NOT to be distributed by your membership or used for ordering. Each team will receive their very own, fully customized website, with a different link for online ordering.)
Sample Link:
Order Deadlines Are As Follows:
For Guaranteed Delivery Prior To: | Orders Must Be Placed Online By: |
Thanksgiving (November 26, 2020) | Friday, October 30, 2020 |
Christmas (December 25, 2020) | Tuesday, December 1, 2020 |