SCTP International Team’s 1st Training Camp for the 2021 Season

Nine members of the 2021 SCTP International Team met for their first training camp during the weekend of November 13-14 at the Crossville Shooting Sports Park in Crossville, TN. Team members Jessica Gunderson, Abbey Wigh, Loretta Christian, Emersyn Berck, Emily Rasmussen, Emanuel Butdorf, Eyan Marx, Taylor Botshon, and Johnathon Savage were guided by International Team coachesTerri DeWitt and Brian Witty. This two-day camp focused on taking a deep dive into sports science, with emphasis on the importance of vision in clay target sports. With sponsors like Winchester Ammunition, training camps like this are available for SCTP International Team members, honing their game in preparation for large competitions and selections.

Sport Vision Coaches Dr. Carusone andMs. Kassie Kibler from EyeExcel in Knoxville, TN, gave instruction about the physiology of the eye, the mechanics of how vision works, how that relates to the shooting sports, and the importance of vison training to performance. Dr. Carusone evaluated each athlete on their vision strengths as well as identified areas of needed improvement. The athletes were guided through some practical exercises and then they spent the afternoon performing them. Each athlete went home with a better understanding of the importance of vision training as well as a personal vision training kit to continue their training at home.

“This was an exceptional weekend of learning for these athletes,” stated SCTP International Head Coach,Coach DeWitt. “We didn’t spend a lot of time pulling triggers, but rather used this weekend to hone an edge on their performance. I can’t thank Dr. C enough for sharing his time and expertise with us.”